Publicising Your Work...
Below are our articles on the subject of Publicising Your Work. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Blog Creation Tools
There are plenty of tools you can use to create your blog. We tell you the things to look for....

Blog Hosting
It’s important to choose a good host for your blog. But there are several factors you should consider in your choice....

Creating Your Website
Your book’s written and ready to publish. Now to need to make a web site to publish and sell it....

Email Newsletters to Promote Your Writing
An e-mail newsletter can prove to be a very effective marketing tool, both for your book and yourself....

Giving Talks About Your Written Work
How to set up, prepare and present a talk about your work in order to promote it....

How to Market Your Website
You use your site to market your book. But you can need to market your site and expose it to as many people as possible....

Making Personal Appearances
Making personal appearances can do a lot to improve your standing as a writer, so what do you need to know to do it successfully?...

Promoting Your Writing Through Social Networking
A guide to using different kinds of social networking media to draw attention to you and your writing and help sell your work....

Starting Your Blog
Using a blog – an online journal - can be a great way to show your expertise in your field and also publicise your book....

Website Creation Tools
Site creation tools can help you put together a very professional web site without having to learn HTML....

Website Hosting
Your work isn’t done when you’ve made your web site. You need to find a good host for it....

Writing a Press Release
What you need to know to write an effective press release to promote your own work or somebody else's....

Writing Contests - The Pros and Cons
Considering entering writers’ contests? Check out this article first!...